
2007-01-10 5:34 am
唔使多,100字到都ok ga la.最緊要我想知道大家的睇法.thx.

回答 (1)

2007-01-10 11:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think life is precious and many people think that it is a gift from god. We all know that god created all mankind and living things so it would be important to accept and respect this gift. You should not commit suicide because it is killing which means your're breaking the ten commandment and also it is disrespectful to refuse god's gift. If you are facing any difficulties such as diseases and relationship breakdown you should overcome it with courage and supports from friends and families instead of killing youself. It is lucky to have the chance to live so i think everyone should respect themselves and everyone.

i wrote what i feel but not sure if it is what you want!!^^

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