
2007-01-10 1:15 am

4.不能使用MSM / ICQ用語 例如 “Gonna”

希望各位可以幫助本人 謝謝

回答 (3)

2007-01-10 2:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
Her eyes were wide open. "Are you telling the truth?"

"Yes... I heard it from Miss Cheung just when I was passing the staff room. Congratulations!"

Tina simply cannot accept that this truth. She was overjoyed. "I won! I won! I won!!!" She screamed, as she pounced around the classroom. Everyone was happy for her. Slowly Tina hugged them one by one, with tears in her eyes. Her face was in a complete mess of laughing and crying.

hope I can help ya =)
2007-01-10 1:38 am
Hello. My name is Chung and nick name is Psyche. I'm a P6 student. My sex is female.
Let's me tell you my faveurite. My faveurite Singer is Ayumi. She is Japanese and she sings very well. Also, YUI sings well too. I like them very much.
Eating which is my faveurite interest. I think eating is not a good habbit, but I still like to do it, so I am getting fat and fat as day by day. Playing computer online game is also my interest. I do not play it all the time because everyone know not a good activty.
2007-01-10 1:23 am
Long Long time ago, there were two children in the village.One was called Cat and one was called PigPig, They were good friend.They played together and they were very happy.
One day there was a magic in there village.They were very frighten.They went to ask their teacher,however,their teacher didn't know what do to.

2007-01-09 17:26:18 補充:
係what to do
參考: myself

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