
2007-01-10 12:40 am
如題!!! 謝謝!!

回答 (3)

2007-01-10 1:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
現在有好多財務公司係你借錢時都要你簽份明, 內容係借貸人如果在還款期內破產, 都要繼續還款. 同埋申請破產係要幾個月, 佢地會收到通知話你申請破產, 債權人要停止追債行動, 但佢地唔會理, 佢地仲會要你全數清還,最好唔好比佢地揾到你囉
2007-01-10 4:43 am
基本上係香港現行的破產法例中, 破產未必係四年期, 在破產期中所有大小債主,當然不能向你追收任何費用(除非法財務機構外), 因為你有破產令在身, 當破產令解除後, 如果你有能力的話而債主搵到你, 佢亦有權向你追討有關欠債.
2007-01-10 1:22 am
If you are talking about the reputable finance companies in HK, then the answer is YES.
However, if you are talking about those not the kind of good reputations, then the answer is NO.
It is not a matter of law or contracts. They make use of all kinds of illegal actions against you and your family members and even disturbing your neighbourhoods.
They just want to nail you down for one purpose. What you signed for you have surrenered the rights is totally irrelevant in court. The court only endorse those following the laws of HK and the Basic Law.
Talk to your legal advisers not just friends. Particularly do not talk to those having relationship with the finance companies that are on the corners of the streets.
Trust those having banking license. DO not believe what they advertise that they are licensed. All licensed finance companies imprinted their license number on the certificates and exposed to all customers required by law and inspected every year by the Police (another mission not commonly known to public) Force usually with Inspector grades ( capable to ead English regulations and underswtanding of law).

If you have problems with those companies, the only way to solve is to ask for help and advice from legal advisers, social workers and the church. The ultimate help is POLICE after consultation from the above mentioned persons.

2007-01-09 17:25:32 補充:
capable to read English (sorry for typing mistakes)

2007-01-09 17:26:50 補充:
capable to read English regulations and understanding of law. (typing mistakes again)

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