我想要全世界最細既國家既資料 ~

2007-01-09 11:42 pm
Principality of Sealand

Thx for helping~!!

回答 (7)

2007-01-09 11:49 pm
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2007-01-09 15:53:24 補充:
官方語言 英語君主 羅伊•貝茨(Roy Bates)親王瓊•貝茨(Joan Bates)王妃政府首腦 攝政王米高•貝茨(Michael Bates)政體 世襲君主立憲制面積 550平方米人口 常住居民不超過5人(還有14名無西蘭「國籍」的「政府職員」,2002年數據)獨立– 宣佈– 受承認1967年9月2日貨幣 西蘭元(與美元等值)時區 UTC國際域名 無長途電話代碼 不明

2007-01-09 15:54:55 補充:
2007-01-10 12:02 am
2007-01-09 11:54 pm

提起全世界最小的國家,大家都會想到梵蒂岡,其實還有比梵蒂岡更小的國家,且全國國民只有一家人,目前只住著一個人。這個全世界最小的國家名叫「西蘭公國」,建於一九七五年,它全部的領土只是一塊二戰時英軍在公海上建立的混凝土火炮台,它們一樣有護照、貨幣、郵票。 第二次世界大戰期間,為了狙擊德國戰機,英國在蘇格蘭東海岸外的公海上建立一些防禦基地,二戰結束後,這些軍事設施便被廢棄。一九六七年九月二日,原英軍少校羅伊貝茨占領了其中一座火炮台,並在那裡安家立戶,在律師協助下,他宣布這個堡壘是自己的國家,並自封為國王,其妻子為王后,國號定為西蘭公國。 一九七八年八月,曾有幾個荷蘭侵略者在一個德國商人的帶領下來到西蘭公國,當時羅伊.貝茨在英國看病,這幾個人便把麥克王子綁架,占領了西蘭公國。羅伊貝茨聞訊後即帶領自己的軍隊,一群他的好友將他們打敗,並將侵略者俘虜。德國只好派出一名外交官到西蘭公國交涉,戰俘們才獲釋放,這個鬧劇譁然一時。

參考: may can help you!!!
2007-01-09 11:49 pm
西蘭公國(Principality of Sealand)是一個由個人宣稱建立而未被承認的國家(實體)。它聲稱怒濤塔(Roughs Tower)是該國的領土(也是僅有的一塊陸上「領土」)。這是一個位於英吉利海峽之上的廢棄人造建築,大約距英國的薩福克郡(Suffolk, England)海岸10公里(6英里遠)。該國自建立以來一直由其元首派迪·羅伊·貝茨(Paddy Roy Bates)和他的家人以及合作伙伴佔據。西蘭公國的常住人口很少超過五人,其可供居住的領土面積大約有550平方米。


1 歷史
1.1 西蘭大火
2 對外交流
3 法律地位
4 貝茨家族
5 西蘭的運作
6 避風港公司
7 郵政與郵票
8 錢幣
9 風力農場
2007-01-09 11:49 pm
About Sealand

Sealand was founded as a sovereign Principality in 1967 in international waters, six miles off the eastern shores of Britain. In late June of 2006, the island suffered a devastating fire which destroyed much of the country's administrative centre and the main power generation facility which serves its population and industries. Fortunately, back-up systems exist which permit its activities to continue but the disaster has compromised significantly the quality of life of its inhabitants and the continued development of the island's economic and social growth.

The history of Sealand is a story of a struggle for liberty. Sealand was founded on the principle that any group of people dissatisfied with the oppressive laws and restrictions of existing nation states may declare independence in any place not claimed to be under the jurisdiction of another sovereign entity. The location chosen was Roughs Tower, an island fortress created in World War II by Britain and subsequently abandoned to the jurisdiction of the High Seas. The independence of Sealand was upheld in a 1968 British court decision where the judge held that Roughs Tower stood in international waters and did not fall under the legal jurisdiction of the United Kingdom. This gave birth to Sealand's national motto of E Mare Libertas, or "From the Sea, Freedom".

The official language of Sealand is English and the Sealand Dollar has a fixed exchange rate of one U.S. dollar. Passports and stamps have been in circulation since 1969 and the latter decade of the 20th century saw an impressive expansion in its activity both socially and industrially as it began to develop a growing economic base which underscored its long-standing membership of the international community of States

History Of Sealand
During World War II, the United Kingdom decided to establish a number of military bases, the purpose of which was to defend England against German air raids. These sea forts housed enough troops to man and maintain artillery designed to shoot down German aircraft and missiles. They were situated along the east coast of England on the edge of the English territorial waters.

One of these bases, consisting of concrete and steel construction, was the famous royal fort Roughs Tower situated slightly north of the estuary region of the Thames River. In contrast to the original plan to locate the tower within the sovereign territory of England, this fortress was situated at a distance of approximately 7 nautical miles from the coast, which is more than double the then applicable 3 mile range of territorial waters; to put it briefly, this island was situated in the international waters of the North Sea.

After WWII ended, the troops were withdrawn from all bases by the British Admiralty. None of them was ever used by the United Kingdom again, leaving the forts deserted and abandoned. Except for the aforementioned fortress, the bases were subsequently pulled down. This resulted in the portentous uniqueness of the fortress. Fort Roughs Tower, situated at the high seas, had been deserted and abandoned, res derelicta and terra nullius. From a legal point of view, it therefore constituted extra-national territory.
2007-01-09 11:49 pm
During World War II, the United Kingdom decided to establish a number of military bases, the purpose of which was to defend England against German air raids. These sea forts housed enough troops to man and maintain artillery designed to shoot down German aircraft and missiles. They were situated along the east coast of England on the edge of the English territorial waters.

One of these bases, consisting of concrete and steel construction, was the famous royal fort Roughs Tower situated slightly north of the estuary region of the Thames River. In contrast to the original plan to locate the tower within the sovereign territory of England, this fortress was situated at a distance of approximately 7 nautical miles from the coast, which is more than double the then applicable 3 mile range of territorial waters; to put it briefly, this island was situated in the international waters of the North Sea.

After WWII ended, the troops were withdrawn from all bases by the British Admiralty. None of them was ever used by the United Kingdom again, leaving the forts deserted and abandoned. Except for the aforementioned fortress, the bases were subsequently pulled down. This resulted in the portentous uniqueness of the fortress. Fort Roughs Tower, situated at the high seas, had been deserted and abandoned, res derelicta and terra nullius. From a legal point of view, it therefore constituted extra-national territory.

The Birth of Sealand
This paved the way for occupation. On 2 September 1967, former English major Paddy Roy Bates formally occupied the island and settled there with his family. After intensive discussions with skillful English lawyers, Roy Bates proclaimed the island his own state. Claiming jus gentium, he bestowed upon himself the title of Prince and the title of Princess to his wife and subsequently made the state the Principality of Sealand. Roy Bates, henceforth Roy of Sealand, exerted state authority on the island and thus was an absolute sovereign. The royal family and other persons that have declared loyalty to Sealand have occupied Sealand ever since.

Initial Challenge to Sealand's Sovereignty
By late 1968, the British navy had become aware of the new situation off the coast of England. They were interested in terminating the state of affairs brought about by an error committed by the most senior military authorities without causing too much uproar.

Units of the navy entered the territorial waters claimed by Roy of Sealand. As he was aware of his sovereignty, Roy of Sealand threatened the navy by undertaking defensive activity. Shots were fired from Sealand in warning.
2007-01-09 11:48 pm
摩納哥大公國(法文:Principauté de Monaco;摩納哥語:Principatu de Munegu)或通常簡稱為摩納哥,是一個城邦國家,也是世界第三小國家(僅次於聖瑪利諾)。摩納哥位於法國南部,除了靠地中海的南部海岸線之外,全境北、西、東三面皆由法國包圍,主要是由摩納哥舊城和隨後建立起來的週遭地區組成,是世界上人口最稠密的國家之一,也是歐洲的微型國家之一。

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