Any English playgroup for kids (18 months) in Kowloon Bay?

2007-01-09 7:52 pm
My kid is 18 months old, and I am living in Kowloon Bay. Is there any English playgroup suitable for her?

回答 (3)

2007-01-09 8:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think there are more of these English Play Groups in Kowloon Tong, and not Kowloon Bay
2013-06-19 10:46 pm
Aristle 雅士圖教育,入學面試競爭激烈,要突圍而出,Aristle雅士圖教育絕對是家長信心之選。以Howard Gardner多元智能理論為核心,全面啟發小朋友語言、邏輯、數學、人際關係等等的多元智能,加上一對一專業教育顧問服務,跟進個別學生學習進度及提供升學意見。學生知識與自信兼備,面試表現自然勝人一疇。
2012-02-09 10:44 pm
I would suggest you to go to and find the some relevant courses.

My son had taken some trial lesson in this centre. You can try!!

Creatlearning 創憶學坊

地址 Unit 1302, Telford House, 16 Wang Hoi Road, Kowloon Bay

電話 2151 2895
電郵 [email protected]

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