
2007-01-09 5:03 pm

回答 (2)

2007-01-09 5:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我自己有用開隻叫"如意通"嘅卡, 係中國聯通出嘅sim卡. 張卡本身有兩個號碼, 如果o係大陸, 入左張sim卡就可以打本地或長途, 打香港都可以, 對方顯視號碼會係:1, 對方係大陸會顯視137字頭嘅11位手機號; 2, 對方係香港會見到6字頭8位嘅手機號...張卡過關來到香港都一樣用得!打番國內/本港都冇問題...
呢張野係儲值嘅, 國內一般電訊舖都有得賣; 係香港就可以係7仔買到.

不過, 如果o係內地唔係成日用手機打而係用固網, 可以考慮買各種儲值嘅長途卡. 我知道有張叫"200卡", 其實仲有其他好多種, 詳情可以去郵電局/郵局問下.
佢地嘅優點就係收費會比起手機嘅長途儲值sim卡平, 一般為到毫幾紙到幾毫紙一分鐘不等(打香港計); 但缺點就係, 往往要按一大串號碼+密碼後先可以打到個電話,如果冇帶到張卡出街, 又唔可以打到(佢唔係sim卡) 仲要時時check住個餘額, 小心唔好俾人盜用.

可以視乎你個朋友嘅需要揀唔同嘅方法啦. 不過單計價錢, 長途卡會平D!
參考: 個人經驗
2007-01-09 9:27 pm
1.China mobile 神州行
I use it for 7 years and last year my company issue one for my China business trip
You can use it in the whole mainland China
cheap than other China cards
Network better than other China cards
If he/she stay in one area and no need to travel to other part of china, there is other choice.
Choice 1: Pre-paid a local area card of the same company (China mobile) of 神州行 - cheap and network good
Choice 2: monthly local plan of China mobile -cheap and network OK
Choice 3: 中國聯通 Pre-paid card- cheap and network is a litte pit poorer than China mobile
Choice 4: 中國聯通 monthly local plan - very very cheap and network not good

2. If your freiend use three or smart phone, he/she can apply for international call forward service that all call of his/her HK call can be forward to the china phone. It is about HKD 28 per month
There is also other HK suppliers that he/she can find in HK.
He can find therm in 7-eleven, money exchanger and in shops in Mong Kok

Hope it can help.
參考: relatives, friends and personal experience

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