
2007-01-09 5:58 pm

ADDRESS:NO.92, 37 alleys, Zhong-Zheng Rd.


E-MAIL:[email protected]

Dear Sir or Madam,

With reference to your advertisement in the 104 Human Resource Agency of January 2, 2007, I wish to apply the position in your company.

I’m twenty-five years old and single, and I wish to become a successful international trade person in society, because I’m a new learner need more experience of communicating and work among different type of people.

1997-2001Institute of Nan-Jeon Technology
2003-2005University of Takming Technology
Bachelor of trade in business and major courses of international trade, included how composed Letter of credit, economics and computer programs.

Working Experience
2005-2006ZONG-FA Industry Co., Ltd. (Accountant)

Thank you for your time and consideration.

請問Jessice, 你說最後要加上I look forward hearing from you soon. 那我原來的Thank you for your time and consideration. 還要留著嗎?

回答 (3)

2007-01-09 6:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你寫的內容其實混雜了英美求職文件的cover letter 和resume 兩者, 以下這三段屬於cover letter:

Dear Sir or Madam,

With reference to your advertisement in the 104 Human Resource Agency of January 2, 2007, I wish to apply the position in your company.

I’m twenty-five years old and single, and I wish to become a successful international trade person in society, because I’m a new learner need more experience of communicating and work among different type of people.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


求職雖然不妨加入創意, 不過以我來看, 覺得這篇綜合cover letter 和resume 的文件有下列幾個缺點:

1. 非標準格式, 對每天要處理成千上百份求職資料的HR 部門不容易很快看懂.
2. cover letter 部份:
a. cover letter 部分要包含四段, 用獨立的A4 紙書寫.
b. cover letter 你還少了以下兩段:
-第三段: 強調本身條件對這份工作的優勢.
-第四段: 徵求公司提供面試機會的文字
c. 第一段有關 "我在哪裡看到這個工作機會" 你有寫了.
d. 第二段有關 "我的簡單自我介紹", 你也有寫了.
3. Resume 部分更應該寫得完整, 由於你的工作經歷較少, 建議應該加上其他可供公司參考而瞭解你個人資格與特長的其他經歷, 例如社團經歷, 個人專長等. 光是Resume 部分, 建議要能填滿A4紙張一張.
4. 如果你要在台灣應徵, 建議仍附上台灣職場習慣的中文自傳一份
5. 如果你要應徵的是台商, 建議避免使用英美式的cover letter 與resume, 還是使用中文的履歷與自傳, 但英文履歷可以做附件, 如果你要強調你的英文能力的話.

2007-01-12 19:29:23 補充:
I look forward to hearing from you soon 才對. 這句跟Thanks for your time and consideration 沒有衝突, 可以都放, 不過這些都只是書信收尾的方法. 兩句誰放前誰放後都可以.
參考: 無
2007-01-09 7:18 pm
How to Write a Winning Rsum
Tired of your job and looking for a new one? Or maybe you recently graduated from college and are looking for your first employment. The key to getting the job you want is your rsum. Here's how to write a winning one:
1. Keep your rsum to only one page, two at most. Don't list everything you've ever done in your whole life. List only what is important and relates to the job you're applying for.
2. Your rsum should include:
A) Your name, address and phone number at the top of the page.
B) Your educational background, beginning with your most recent school. Include the school's name, location, the dates you attended and the degree or certificate you received. List high school only if you didn't go to college.
C) Your work experience. Again, begin with the most recent. Include the name and location of each employer, as well as your job title and dates of employment.
3. Briefly describe your responsibilities at each job. Use short, active sentences. For example, "Supervised 12 sales clerks." Be specific. Don't just write, "Increased overseas sales." Instead, say, "Increased overseas sales by 20 percent." Also include any honors or awards you received.
4. Make your rsum easy to read. Put headings in bold. Also highlight in bold any special skills you have, or list them with bullets. Leave plenty of space between lines, too.

2007-01-09 11:19:22 補充:
5. Use a laser printer to print your résumé. If an employer can't read it easily, he won't read it at all. Print your résumé on good quality paper, too. Avoid brightly colored paper. The employer is more interested in your résumé's content than its color.

2007-01-09 11:21:07 補充:

2007-01-09 11:21:56 補充:
6. Proofread your résumé very carefully. Ask a friend to proofread it, too. No employer wants to hire someone who isn't careful to avoid mistakes.


Happy job hunting!

參考: 空中英語教室電子報
2007-01-09 6:48 pm
第一個:姓名請用全名,例如:Ivy Huang
第二個:地址錯誤,應該是:No.92, Alley 37, Zhong-Zheng Road, Shinlin District, Taipei City, ROC
第三個:寫Mobile或cell phone number會比較適當。
第四個:在第一段的I wish...應該改為I would like to...比較適當。
第五個:在第二段的I wish to become a successful international trade person in society改為I would like to increase international trade experience and be successful會比較適當。
第六個:第二段的I'm a new learner need more experience...改為I'm a beginner needing more experience...
第七個:教育的Institute of Nan-Jeon Technology應該是Technology Institute of Nan-Jeon
第八個:改為I am a Bachelor of trade in business and major in international trade including how to compose letter of credit, economics and computer programs.
最後一個:請加上I look forward hearing from you soon.
參考: 個人淺見

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