is marrying somebody 13 years older a big age difference? I am 30 he is 43.?

2007-01-08 10:07 am

回答 (32)

2007-01-08 10:29 am
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Nope, enjoy....
2007-01-08 10:17 am
The older we get, the less the age difference seems to matter. I say it is a maturity thing. If you both show each other. respect, honor, caring, communication, temperance, and share interests, what could be the problem?You just might go on to be the happiest 2 people in the world---have a nice life---good luck
2007-01-08 10:26 am
13 years is not such a big difference at all. My parents have a 9-year age difference (married for almost 34 years). My ex and I had a 16-year difference (the reason we divorced had nothing to do with age, and we still get along, years later). My best friend is actually in her 60s (I'm in my 30s). A good friend of mine is 23 years younger than her husband (married over 10 years, 2 kids). As long as you discuss some practical matters that may arise from the age difference (such as the question of whether to have kids, and how soon), and are realistic about the possibility that your husband might start aging before you, and possibly pass away quite a bit sooner than you - there's no need to worry about the age difference per se. In most respects (emotional, mental, social), the difference between 30 and 43 is virtually unperceivable, and it will continue to become even less noticeable as you two age.
2007-01-08 10:11 am
I agree. Age should not be an issue as long as you both are of age acording to state laws. If you really care and love him this will not be a problem. If your family has a problem, ignore them. You are an adult and you live your life how you choose
2007-01-09 2:42 pm
I don't think we should allow society to dictate age restrictions in relationships. There is a 21 year age gap between my boyfriend and I (I'm 27). I have never been happier in my life. Just like with any relationship, it needs to have the essentials like trust, understanding, communication, interests, goals, etc. If those elements are in place, then nothing else matters. Love is the greatest feeling in the world, and age shouldn't stop anyone from experiencing it.
2007-01-08 12:10 pm
Honestly, i think its a huge age difference, but i also expect a high level of maturity from both of you, and if that exists, with both parties very willing to make it work, its very well worth a try.

All the best!!!
2007-01-08 10:28 am
Nothing wrong with that. If you were 18 and he was 31, then it would raise ears. But now you are older and surely matured enough to handle a guy 13years your senior.
2007-01-08 10:27 am
To me, comparing age makes no more sense than comparing height and asking if it's ok. My husband is younger than I am by a good stretch, and I used to be hung up on it. However, if I put age aside and look at the maturity that shows in his actions, age is just a yardstick.
Would you love the same man if he came in a body that was ten years younger? Are you attracted to the body he has right now? If you can answer yes to those questions, don't let age stand in the way of a wonderful love. Not to sound vain, but physical attraction is important, especially when you're a thirty year old female. So, if he does it for you on all levels, go for it!
2007-01-08 10:14 am
The difference in age socially acceptable grows as you do, if you were 13, and he as 26, that would be socially unacceptable (and probably illegal). But it increases as you both grow older, like at 20 you can marry only about 3 years down safely but you can marry anyone in their 20's and even 30 and it shouldn't be too frowned upon by the public, so at 30, 43 is no big deal to marry up too, the society's main concern is that you dont have one person 2x as old as the other, and you dont marry someone that is too young to be making the right choices. Either way, at 30 most people are fully mentally mature when it comes to their future, so unless you do something outragious, like marry someone who is 90 years old, I doubt people will care, and if they do... then break their legs.
2007-01-08 10:12 am
honestly it's not a big age difference but, it think that the decisions you make later on is hard to resolve....because of a considerable age difference, you might not get along well all the time....

If you love him/her go for it! As I said age does not justify love....

Good Luck with your lovelife
2007-01-08 10:10 am
Since your 30 you should be mature enough to marry an older person. If your in love, don't let age stop you.

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