((urgent)) buy 機票+ hotel package

2007-01-09 7:23 am
i have 4日3夜 holiday (this sat to next tue!!!)
want to go outside hk
maybe 新加坡 or taiwan
where can i buy cheap 機票+ hotel package??

can i still join any tour now?
is it a bit too late???

(i am a girl , and i will go alone)

回答 (2)

2007-01-09 8:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) 若果你係想要買PACKAGE..咁任何一間旅行社都有得提供既...例如: 永安 ETC...


(i) 台北~中華/長榮航空套票4天 (套票編號: 3WB04),
全包大約要HK$2200 至 3100左右啦~


(ii) 新加坡~聯合航空套票3天 (套票編號: LSU03),
全包大約要HK$2100 至3000左右啦~


2) 如果你想一個join團..依家就好快快腳去報名啦..你依家可以去join一d已經成團既團~

參考: me~
2007-01-09 5:46 pm
You may go to the Singapore Airlines Website or Cathy Pacific Website.
There are so many package and actually all the trave agent is doing the same thing to find the package for client.


Once you call the airline holiday, you any immediately to find out which package still have seat and once you confirmed the seat, they can reserve the hotel accordingly.

Mostlikely, electronic ticket would be issued.
My previous experience is 2 days in advance for booking and have the tickets and hotel voucher one day before the date I go.

Wish you have a good holiday..>! Enough it

2007-01-09 09:54:09 補充:
I've using Travelex (travel agent) to reserve package. You may find the contact info from there website (www.hktc.com.hk).There service is very good. Price is reasonable - actaully is the same as the airlines packages)

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