20分呀!!!我要寫一封英文信給租客, 說我們唔可能將佢既要求加入去新租約內...

2007-01-09 7:20 am
我要寫一封英文信給租客, 說我們唔可能將佢既要求加入去新租約內,

replace / maintenance個water pipes
fix up living room既ceiling light
take off living room既speaker

我要回答他們只會touch up下個wall, 不會repaint的! 其他就唔可能! 因為他續租的租金已經比market price低, 所以我們不能再幫他裝修了!
點寫呀!!!有冇人help me!!! thanks!!!

回答 (2)

2007-01-09 8:01 am
✔ 最佳答案

Dear Tenant(或者佢個名) ,

I feel pleased that you have the interest to continue and renew the contract. But I'm sorry to say that we can't satisfy some of your requests in the coming contract.

It is unfortunate to mention you that we can only touch up the wall for you, but not repaint. Beside that, I'm sorry to tell you that we can't do anything else for you due to our financial situation. In here, I have to mention that we have rented you this house with a very benefitial price to you, which is much lower than the normal(or common) price in the market, and our income from this renting is not high enough to do those make-up for the house. Thank you for your attention.

Yours faithully,
2007-01-09 7:29 am
Dear Tenant,

I am regret to inform you that your requirements for renovation are not acceptable as your current rent is already under market price. However, I am willing to do some minor touch up works on the walls.

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