
2007-01-09 6:24 am
本人自問相當喜歡bmw 這牌子
但係點解佢賣車咁q 貴?????????????
好似320i 就要30幾萬
330i 就要50幾萬
除左廣告,brand value 之外仲有咩原因佢可以賣得咁q 貴????

回答 (4)

2007-01-09 6:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
一架車既定價, 除左代理利潤, 運費之外, 仲包括政府抽既首次登記稅, 車廠研製成本等等, 十分複雜.
如果是旦搵架同級車同BMW比較, 或者以IS250同325i比, 單係計運費, 日本黎香港同德國黎香港已經差十萬八千公里, 貴都唔出奇; 第二, 受歡迎/需求大亦有機會影響售價; 睇返06/12車價:
BMW 325i--$449000
兩車相差$59060, 又唔算差好遠喎! 睇深入D, 代理利潤同登記稅亦係一個好大影響因素, 但再加埋運輸費, 其實BMW唔算貴得太過份!
2007-01-25 11:01 pm
2007-01-15 9:10 am
Other than Brand Value, there are lots of items make the price diff. between 2 cars.

Take your example; Audi & BMW, all BMW are rear wheel drive but Audi mainly front wheel drive only (4 wheels Audi price is quite expensive as well). other than this safety, relibility also make the price diff.
2007-01-10 4:51 am
BMW,其實只是因虛榮心而多人買,所以BMW賣得比other European Cars Expensive.所以外國會 more 便宜than HK

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