會考maths/a maths問題

2007-01-09 5:40 am
1.a maths幾多分左右先有A?
2.a maths同maths各份卷中 各part 時間應怎樣分怖?

回答 (4)

2007-01-15 3:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
Question 1:Maths: 如果要穩陣的話: paper 1: 90 out of 99, paper 2: 50MC out of 54.
A maths: Around 85/110

Question 2: Maths: if you really want a 'A'. For paper 1, spend AT MOST 40-45 min (must not more than 45 minutes!) Then the rest is Section B, spend AROUND 3 minutes to READ the questions properly and choose easier quesitons for you. For paper 2: spend around 1 minute for each question if possible, leave more time to double check! 因為如果check得太心急的話, 好易由啱變錯的!!!!!

For A maths, spend at most 60-70 minutes on short questions and spend the rest on section B. Leave around 3 minutes to double check if there is any problem in STEPS PRESENTATION, MAKE EVERY STEP CLEAR AND PRESENTABLE!!!

This is from my own experience, for me, I just spend 35 minutes to finsih section A1 and A2 in my maths CE exam. Good luck.
參考: Myself, Amat and Maths= Both are grade A (CE 2000)
2007-01-14 3:36 am
Normally in A.Math, around 90 marks will probably get an A grade (remark: the full mark of the paper is 110 instead of 100).

For Math, getting overall score around 90 marks (i,e. paper I + paper II) will be more likely to get A.

Note that the mark for A range may vary every year, so I suggest you check with the annuel examination booklet provided by HKEA (you can find these in public library)


For time allocation, I will suggested that:

For A Math, you should spend around 1 hour for section A, 5 ~ 10 minutes for checking section A and the rest time for dealing with section B with checking.
(N.B. You have 2.5 hours for completing the paper)

For MATH, you should spend at most 25 minutes for A1, 30 minutes for A2
5 ~ 10 minutes for checking whole section A
and the rest time for whole section B.
2007-01-13 7:25 am


amaths同maths一樣..神速般做section a..留番d時間比section b
2007-01-10 4:12 am
100 分先有 A (穩陣) .

時間分佈, 係冇既, 因為如果你想有 A, 你應該條條識做, 最多唔識半條, 識就一早做完
然後 check 卷, 最後再 x 爆果半條, 唔識唔緊要, 因為如果其他 check 過冇問題, 你都已經 A 左

時間唔係要 A 人士既考慮, 係要有時間 check 到自己冇計錯

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