
2007-01-09 4:57 am

回答 (5)

2007-01-09 5:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
香港教育圖書-New Progress in Certificate English - Mock Practices for Paper 1:Reading and Writing
香港教育圖書-New Progress in Certificate English - Mock Practices for Paper 2 Listening and Integrated Skills (With 6CDs)
香港教育圖書-New Progress in Certificate English - Mock Practices for Paper 3:Speaking (With 2 CDs)
朗文-Complete Exam Practice for Certificate English Pack
牛津-Success in the HKCEE Self -Study Pack
導師-Pilot's Handy Guide For HKCEE English (Paper 1,2,3)
導師-Pilot's Writing Guide For HKCEE English (Paper 1)
Joint Us-Winning English Paper I, Vol 1
Original Press-Reading to Succeed
Original Press-English Utopia Paper I
Original Press-English Utopia Paper II (with 9 CDs)
香港考試及研究-New Syllabus CE English Competency (with CD)
Manley-Integrated English Practice for Senior Forms 5
Elite-Elite's English Pape 2

2007-01-16 1:26 pm
其實英文呢d野系講個底既 唔系一日兩日可以突然間好左
經濟能力OK既 可能考慮去補習丫
推介現代既KO TEN
唔少人補完都有明顯既進步 而且佢COVER既野好全面!


如果你有好多時間, 可以慢慢去IMPROVE既話我建議你睇多D明珠台NEWS同埋報紙
如果冇乜時間, 咁可以睇下人地作既SAMPLE

我絕對推介grammar in use
有紅色同藍色, FORM4做藍色好d
如果底真系好差 又有時間 亦都可能考慮做下紅色果本先
但唔RECOMMEND啦 因為果本野我FORM1, 2做-_-

可以睇英文MOVIE, 同中文1樣, 英文都系有書面語同口語既, 所以睇戲會IMPROVE LISTENING, 識多D VOCAB, 同埋聽慣下外國人既口音, 而且你會發現同平時HK人講既英文差好多

靠聽多D 都系睇MOVIE喇
同埋講多D 可以試下跟住個MOVIE入面果D講過既都OK
有D常講的句子 參考下
1. lets talk about ............starting with .....(搶做leader就講呢句, 用番題目既次序啦最好, 易d follow)
2. i think that ...........will be a good idea becasue..(記住有reason, 會高分d)
3. i agree with you
4. thats a brilliant idea! we can also......(盡量講長d唔好就咁話好定唔好, 1系加個reason, 1系繼續發展落去)
5. i dont agree with you/i dont think thats a very good idea because...., instead, we can................
6. what do you think (好好用, 講完自己既idea之後講到冇野講就彈呢句出黎拋個波俾另一個人)
7. lets move on to .......(講完1個point就去第2個)
8. i think we got all the ideas, so we are going to........(講到講哂d野之後有時間就做個總結, 只要講番哂頭先講過既野就搞掂)

參考: ME
2007-01-10 2:07 am
I agree with modi_dairy
You should go to public library to read english books everyday.
Don't waste money to buy exercises to do. Without any sound knowledge of grammar, those exercises just make you feel frustrated. I have some suggestion.

(1)For composition, I suggest you to buy a story book called "The diary of young girl" by Anne frank $66and learning composition. Check it out in this website

This book is translated in simple English. Since you are only a F.4 student, you have ample time to prepare your HKCEE. Trust me, first underline some sentences you think they are good in structure or have good meaning and then memorize them.
From this book, I give you several examples: What I need to do is to grin and bear it我須要做的事只是逆來順受. (2)Misfortune never comes singly禍不單行(3)scold sb = blame me = snap at. I am sure you can learn a tremendous words which can be used in your future HKCEE.

For grammar, I should suggest a grammar book called certificate English Usage published by Aristo educational press. What I am not sure is whether this old book will be available. I f you don't find this book, don't worry a book called Collins Cobuild English usage $224 published by Collins Cobuild & Harper Collins is also suitable for you. Just check it out in commerical press (尖沙咀分行)to see whether it is good for yourself

I have written here for umpteenth time, buy DVDs with English substitle will help your listening skill even buying the pxxxxxd in Mong Kok. I suggest desperate housewives, sex and the city and star war III return of sith. Despite a little bit difficult for you ,it help you a lot. May I ask you how chinese word"敷淺"be written in English? If you have watched sex and the city, you will know it. Besides those DVDs also help you not noly oral but also listening skill.

After you have reading some story books (a book called living history written by Hillary Rodham clinton also good for you $<100), you will have enough input. Then you can do the past papers and find out what you don't know and then fix them. Before doing exercises, having enough input is of paramount important. Hence don't waste money on buying exercises. Instead, reading newspaper & story books are much more important to you. Doing reading story books, your reading speed will be speeded up surreptitiously(This word also found in Anne frank's book).

If you watched the pearl report, a TV programme broadcasted, on pearl(明珠台), you may find that even the teachers doing the past papers again and again and resit the exam again and again, they wouldn't pass the teacher assessment test. They implies without a rock-solid grammatical knowledge, formed by reading story books and imbibing words from different articles, they will find their methods in vain no matter how hard they try.

Good luck to you

2007-01-09 18:12:12 補充:
"learning composition"$75 a book teach you how to write a composition.書面有個電燈胆,此書有些好的句子及生字會有中英對照.比較合會考生及中四的你. You can type the name and search it on http://www.cp1897.com.hk/Search

2007-01-09 18:13:24 補充:
teacher assessment test教師語文基準試
2007-01-09 6:47 am
You should go to public library to read english books everyday.
2007-01-09 5:03 am

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