
2007-01-09 4:05 am
The restroom is at the end of the corridor, and the 茶水間 is 出房門轉左. 十五分鐘之後再繼續開會.

note: no translation web please

回答 (4)

2007-01-09 4:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
The restroom is at the end of the corridor, and on the left of the room is pantry. Then we will continued the meeting after fifteen minutes.(pantry:a place where is for put some snacks or some drinks~)
參考: myself
2007-01-09 5:41 am
The restroom is at the end of the corridor. If you leave the room and turn left, you will find the pantry. We will continue the meeting in 15 minutes.
參考: myself
2007-01-09 5:19 am
The restroom is at the end of the corridor, and the crush room (tea room/ lounge) is on the left. Meeting will continue in 15 minutes.
2007-01-09 4:16 am

The restroom is at the end of the corridor, and on the left of the room is tea room. Then we will continued the meeting after fifteen minutes.

2007-01-08 20:17:22 補充:
miss左D野,加多個the在tea room前會好D...

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