
2007-01-09 3:36 am


回答 (5)

2007-01-09 7:19 am
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某0的內陸機可能要你去到轉機地點先出到下一程0既 boarding pass

但係你可以出發前問一問同你 check-in 0既地勤人員,佢地好樂意幫你
如果你英語溝通可能有困難或者一個老人家 / 小朋友,你亦都可以同地勤講埋,佢地去到會有同事幫你 ga 喇

2007-01-10 12:54 pm

只不過當你到達那個轉機地後﹐你只要帶上你的隨身行李以及證件下機就ok. 跟住就會有人講你知怎行去辦理轉機。而且途中仲有人提你要轉機個目的地﹐make sure 沒人走失。

以上係我所搭ga Asiana Airline ga 經驗。
2007-01-09 7:04 pm
我試過幾次.. 其實係好視乎你搭既機係咩機.. 假如你去加拿大, 而你搭既航空公司係United Airlines (美國聯合航空), 你要晌San Francisco度清關.. 所謂清關既意思係當你到達San Francisco既時候, 你要好似到達你既目的地一樣, 囉齊晒你所有行李, 包括你寄倉果兩o夾, 然後出境, 再入返去過關, 好似你晌香港上機咁, 不過就唔洗再磅過d行李.. 只要你出左境之後, 搵返你將會搭既下一班機有關航空公司, 將你要寄倉既行李放返落去就搞掂喇.. 由於呢幾年恐怖襲擊既影響, 成個過程都要幾耐下, 所以你最好有個心理準備要排長龍....

但係亦都會有d情況就係你唔洗晌轉機地點度清關.. 即係話你個人同埋隨身行李落機就出境再入境.. d寄倉行李呢, 工作人員會幫你轉去你將會上既下一隻飛機... 真係到你既目的地先清關囉..

至於洗唔洗清關, 係好視乎你搭既航空公司, 同埋你轉機既地點係邊度架咋...希望幫到你..
參考: 個人經歷
2007-01-09 9:15 am
Depending on airports as different airport will have different process... There are mainly 2 different type of situation depending on the type of airports...
1) Airport that have departure/arrival on same level (eg. Singapore)... In most case, you will need to do nothing... Upon your arrival at the airport, just look around for flight information for the connection flights... If you require to check-in again, there will be transfer desk inside the terminal to assist you... And to transit between terminal, there would be bus/train connection depending on airports...
2) Airport with departure/arrival at different level (eg. Hong Kong)... In most case, you will need to follow the sign to your nearest transfer area where you can get check-in on transfer desk if necessary... If not, you can pass through security located in the transfer area which will lead you back to the departure level... At which time, you can just look for your flight information and have a shop around waiting for your connection...
3) Airport with multi-terminal (eg. London Heathrow)... In most case, you will have to follow the sign for flight connection to a centralised area where connect can be made between terminals... For airports with more than 2 terminals, that would means some terminal will require passenger to transfer by bus/train to flight connection... After you proceed security check, you will arrive at the transfer area where you can get assistance for connection flights if necessary... Otherwise, you will then be lead to catch bus/train/walk to the relevant terminal that your connection flight will depart...
Of course, the procedure will not only vary between the type of airport, but also vary between airports as process may vary... So if you find signs being a little confusing, just ask for assistance from the ground staff and they would be happy to show you the way to where you need to be...
2007-01-09 3:45 am

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