honey book report! 救命!

2007-01-09 3:00 am
有冇人可以幫我寫一寫honey呢套戲既book report俾我丫??




回答 (1)

2007-01-09 3:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
What type of honey did you see?
A book or A movie?
There is different between them.
But first I give you the summary/comment to you.
I think that you should add more your feelings
in the presentation.

My comment and summary
I thought it was a great movie with a good storyline about a girl with a dream of making it big, helping out those who can't have that life. Yes, a little predictable at times, but the thought was there. The movie faced a lot of issues, from drug use and dealing to just generally believing in your dreams and no movie is complete without the fairytale love story. The dancing was awesome and Jessica Alba was amazing as Honey Daniels. People will give up their dreams if things don't turn out the way they wanted them to, but Honey stuck by hers and accomplished something she'd always wanted to. I think she is an inspiration for many.

I hope that I can help you^^

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