problems in china

2007-01-09 2:43 am
problems in china

回答 (2)

2007-01-10 6:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
urrrrrrrrrrr what do u want? a paragraph/pointform/essay etc.? be clear in ur question and we can be clear in our answer. Plus please show that u've tried to tackle the question, like tell us what YOU think are the problems in china, even in bad english or half in chinese, at least that way u're learning and we can also know what direction u're wanting the questions to be heading.

Problems in china
1. Over population
2. Low regard for human rights
3. Pollution and low regard for the environment
4. Low transparency
5. Immense disparity between the rich and the poor, could lead to social unrest and civil war
6. No freedom of religion or speech or media

just some ideas.. hope that helps u along
參考: me
2007-01-10 3:35 am
1. high illliterary
2. economics problems
3. social problems
4. too many people
5. sex descrimination
6. bad technology
7. the transparency too low

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