
2007-01-09 1:50 am

回答 (4)

2007-01-13 5:29 am
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The book will said that it can be store forever
But trust me
Most of the CD will lost their data easily
Half to Two year
If you read the disc every 3 month
They will not be lost
I don't know
So of the more expersive one may and store for 5 years but if you dont keep it in some where not humid,they will lost sometime
A lot of my disk lost data but cant write again in 2 years

正常情況下,適當氣溫及濕度,CD-Rom沒有受到物理損害(即刮,割,切,燒.....等等)、化學侵蝕(例如放入鏹水)、刻意破壞或重寫.....等等(一般情況下CD-Rom是不可以重寫的 ROM = read only memory),CD-Rom的資料是可以永久保存。

CD-R與 CD-Rom的資料保存時間一樣,都可以永久保存。
2007-01-09 1:57 am
參考: 自己
2007-01-09 1:55 am
theortically, info can keep forever. but you may crash the CDRom in anytime! also, technology keeps changing eg in the past, we use tape, 5" floppy or 3.5" disc, now no one use la. all use memory stick, CDRom....who know what we will use in the future.

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