
2007-01-09 1:40 am
我聽d Agancy 講佢地話起University 學英語好過起College 讀, 因為大學見d人多d, 講英文的機會會比college多?真的嗎?

不過University 的學費比College 貴d 喇~~ 不過如果以上的講法是真的, 貴少少都ok呀~


回答 (2)

2007-01-10 6:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
College> well if u're thinking to go to australia, i'd say go do a foundation year in college, coz that way u'll get time to adjust to the enviroment and the courses are easier than university. At university u're thrown into the deep end, so kinda no one cares if u sink or swim, the lecturers expect ur english to be good enough to go to university and understand what he/she's teaching you. You do get some assitance in the university, but it is harder at uni than college lor.
參考: m
2007-01-09 1:56 am
Agancy 當然叫你讀 University, 因就好像你所講一樣, University 的學費比College 貴.
他們抽commission 都多點!

一句到尾, 不要只聽Agancy, 參考多點其他人的意見和, 最重要是你自己點想和要.

但如果你有的是錢, 就無所謂. <我則不同意貴 = 好>

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