
2007-01-09 1:40 am
為甚麼ammeter唔可以connected in parrallel?Voltmeter唔可以connected in series?

I still don't understand ,can you explain it more in details?Thankyou!

回答 (2)

2007-01-09 3:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
V = IR

Voltmeter 用黎度voltage 既 , 所以 R 要好大
如果in series 既話你就會留意到電流 I 會變得好細
V 就會變到好大 , d 數值就會亂晒
所以駁parallel 就可以唔影響電流改變之餘
又可以準確量度個 circuit 既 V
(因為parallel 上既V同main circuit都係一樣 , 同埋電流
會流向低電阻既方向 , 所以只有極少部分既current 流向voltmeter)

相同道理 , in series 既ammeter 先可以準確量度個current
因為parallel 既話會「分」走左main circuit 既current , 影響結果
2007-01-09 1:53 am
Current is flowing THROUGH a circuit, whereas voltage is ACROSS two points.
Bearing this in mind, you would visualize that why you cannot connect an ammeter in parallel and a voltmeter in series.

2007-01-09 14:28:51 補充:
Since a detailed explanation is too lengthly to be put here, which is restricted to 300 alphabets. Would you mind ask the question again as a [New Qustion] so that I could give you a more detailed answer?

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