是否普通econ. class客人不能用網上登機服務撰位(國泰)?

2007-01-09 1:16 am
我想用網上check in, 但要入會....
甘係咪唔入會既話, 就一定要departure個日一早去check in先搶到好位置?


回答 (6)

2007-01-13 12:34 am
✔ 最佳答案

* 誰可使用「網上預辦登機」服務
- 馬可孛羅會/「亞洲萬里通」會員及登記用戶(曾使用cathaypacific.com在網上訂購機票)- 適合航班始發48小時至90分鐘前使用
- 電子票務用戶 - 適合航班始發24小時至90分鐘前使用

加入「亞洲萬里通」是免費的, 可以於網上即時申請

** remark: 記得把你的亞洲萬里通號碼通知航空公司 (CX Res: 27471888)
參考: 本人為機場職員
2007-01-10 1:03 pm

年前我飛去香港買飛時﹐果D agent 話沒辦法幫我划位﹐如果想坐亮位就要早D去機場check in.

當日我早D去到airport check in,真系任我想做邊就邊. 當然唔係你買Econ. class 卑你坐first class 咩﹖所以唔使驚﹐早D去check in 就 ok.
2007-01-10 2:32 am
可以網上check-in, 不過由於你班機full 左, 所以如果你冇劃位, 你個位就係random, 而冇得改!` 我試過, 同我係Marco Polo!~, 同你要買E-ticket, 先可以網上Check-in, 係張E-ticket 度有個 好似16個號碼的條碼打入去, 就得. 同如果你想試下, 記得一到48小時, 即刻上網, 因為呢個時候係一個優先時間, 有好多人一起入家, 所以一見到, 即click 入去, 就得家啦!~, 不過你要check, 因為國泰的E-ticket 只可24小時前!~, 上網Check 完in, 去機場Online Check-in 專櫃!~ 快!~
如果真係唔得, 最好3個鐘前到機場如果你想坐好位, 之後check 完, 行個圈/ 入禁區shopping!~ 我試過, 就係上次英國有bomb, 之後要去英國, 要3個鐘, Check-in 要等好耐, 因為要Specials Luggage Check!~ ,所以...
參考: me
2007-01-09 9:01 am
Cathay Pacific allow all passenger to use their internet check-in facilities no matter if you are member of AsiaMiles/MPO or not...
When you get to the online check-in site, on the top left coner, you can selection the one that saying non-members check-in... Then it will require your surname, flight no. and booking reference... After you putting in those information, it will automaticaly put you through their system and you can then select the seats you like and also to print off your ticket as well...
If you are still unable to do online check-in, you can always call the airlines reservation hotline or their local office and tell them that you would like to reserve a seat for whichever flight, then they will ask you for your surname, flight no., flight date and booking reference etc... Then when they confirm your information, they will give you the option of seats...
2007-01-09 7:09 am
你可以入會,唔一定係 MPC / AM 會員,你就咁0係 CX 個 site register 都可能上網 check-in
一係你就用 e-ticket 都可以上網 check-in

再唔係你可以早 24小時用市區預辦登機服務,去香港/九龍站攪,但你就一定要搭機鐵 law
因為就算你飛0個日一早入到機場,都唔一定可以 check-in,有時係早 3 個 hours 先開 counter ga

講真,依家0的 check-in service 都好有人性 ga 喇,如果你早一兩個鐘到,都唔會要你一條友坐 4 個位中間0既....
2007-01-09 6:52 am
you can. but you have to be an asiamiles member or an MPO member.

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