去Las Vegas

2007-01-09 12:16 am
想去LasVegas, 8日, 諗左幾個行程, 邊個最好?
1.HK - Tokyo - Las Vegas - LA - HK
2.HK - Paris - Las Vegas - LA - HK
3.HK - Hawaii - Las Vegas - LA - HK
4.HK - London - Las Vegas - LA - HK
5.HK - LA - Las Vegas - LA - HK
6.HK - San Francisco - Las Vegas - LA - HK

回答 (3)

2007-01-09 4:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.如果你剩係去 Las Vegas 嘅,HK - San Francisco - Las Vegas - HK, 因爲由 HK - San Francisco 係直航唔使轉機。

2.如果你想玩多D地方,又最短程來回時間嘅選 6,或 4,因爲 honolulu 去 Las Vegas

3.如果你有好多時間坐飛機同遊玩,想去多D地方,又唔介意成日轉機嘅,選其他都得。因爲相對嚟講,SF 同 LA 係現代化城市,冇Tokyo, Paris,London 咁多地方行,咁多野睇。

4.不過建議你去Tokyo,Paris,London 作爲每一個獨立旅程,或Paris 同London 一個獨立旅程,唔好作爲去 Las Vegas 嘅附屬品,因爲Tokyo,Paris,London 係比 Las Vegas 更值得去嘅地方,而且2. 同 4.非常唔順路。

2007-01-09 12:49:40 補充:
5.如果你去Las Vegas結婚,就選 4., 不過去 Hawaii 結婚更浪漫。,

2007-01-09 12:54:24 補充:
剩係 HK- Las Vegas - HK, 剩係坐飛機計埋時差已經要三日!.
2007-01-10 8:37 am
it depends what you would like to do? If you would like to see view and go to the theme park, No.6 will be ok for you.

LA has lot of amusement park such as six flag (magic mountain), disneyland, nice beach.

Las vegas has lot of great show and nice night view.

And no.6 trip maybe not so tired for you because the place are all concentrated on west coast in USA.

other choice seems look tired for you, ASIA- USA; OR EURPOE-ASIA.
2007-01-09 1:06 am
5最穩陣,因LA離Vegas最近,LAX to Las Vegas 航斑亦較其他如SFO or Hawaii 頻密。

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