
2007-01-09 12:01 am


回答 (3)

2007-01-09 12:32 am
This movie is extremely attract us. This story is really exciting. after Watch this movie , I have the utterly profound feelings. The actor ( Arab League mat Decca) is willing to protect the village to kill the pig god. Therefore he is cursed, but he has not given up his choice and the bravely to face. So he launch the difficult journey for relieve the curse . Finally penetrates the leading leading actruss(San) helped him successfully. And the help forest return to tranquil.
In addition, I thought the actor (the Arab League mat Deccais ) is extremely worth us studying. This movie also makes me to know we cannot detroy the forest. We must reduce the cutting of trees, protects the forest every effort.

2007-01-09 12:18 am
This movie is really attractive to me. I have very deep thoughts after watching it.

The story is about (his name) (male main character) killed God of Pig when he was trying to protect his village from being attacked. Due to his action, he was cursed and his only fate was to die.

Although he was cursed, he did not give up, but he possitively face the threat. He started a journey to find if there were any ways to take away the curse. Lastly, through the assistance of San (femail main character), not only the curse was taken away, the forest became how it was, which is unpolluted.

His possitive attitude and courage set a very good example for us. Moreover, the movie also brings out a message that we should not damage the natural envorment by cutting the trees, but to protect the forest by encourage the usage of recycle paper.
2007-01-09 12:15 am
This movie is extremely has the attraction to us. Because this story is really exciting. Watches this movie after me. I have the extremely profound feelings. Is the actor (the Arab League mat Decca). He in order to protect the village to kill the pig god. Therefore he is cursed, but he has not given up own destiny and the brave ground is right. Therefore he for relieve the curse to launch the difficult journey. Finally penetrates the leading lady (Susan) helped successfully to rescue own. And the help forest reply is tranquil. Therefore I thought the actor (the Arab League mat Decca) extremely is worth us studying. In addition this movie also makes me to know the nature is cannot destroy. We must reduce the felling trees, protects the forest with every effort.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 21:36:42
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