
2007-01-08 11:36 pm

回答 (2)

2007-01-17 3:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果可以,其實難唔難? <=========yes, only if a company hires you and help you to apply work permit, the difficulity depends on your occupation, if your occupation is shortage, the application is much easier. At the current policy as far as I know, if you apply under the working route, you need to work 5 years in uk in order to get the right of abode, and then stay one year afterwards to get the citizenship. But the policy always change, you need to check it from time to time.

需唔需要有大量錢? <=========== The application does not need much money, however, the living index in the uk is very high, especially the accomodation, transportation and food, I think you need to estimate your earnings and expenses very carefully, otherwise, just give up~~~

定係要有間公司肯幫手先得? <========= Yes, the company helps you to apply the work permit. You cannot apply it by yourself.

有冇d易d的方法?以個人身分,剛畢業,一定冇得投資!! <========== as far as i know, there is a scheme for high skilled people, it allows those people freely to live and work in the uk for at most 5 years. however, it is far difficult.

By the way, australia is much easier, why don't you choose there??
參考: I am a work permit holder
2007-01-09 12:02 am
有公司肯請你,同你攪work visa 就可以留係英國工作!


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