1) Tea A and tea B are mixed in the ratio x:y by weight. A costs $80/kg and B costs $100/kg. If cost of A is increased by 10% and that of B is decreased by 12%, the cost of the mixture per kg remains unchanged. Find x:y.
2) Find the range of values of x, if the lengths of the sides of the triangle are 2x, (x-1) and 5 respectively.
3) {{[開方(x^2-y^2)]+x}/{[開方(x^2+y^2)]+y}}/{{[開方(x^2+y^2)]-y}/{x-[開方(x^2-y^2)]}
4) [(開方26)+5]^98[(開方26)-5]^99
5) If [(開方5)/5-0.25]x=1, then x=?