
2007-01-08 10:25 pm


回答 (2)

2007-01-08 10:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
無所謂甚麼原理, 而是自四則運算運算制訂時訂立的原則.
"In arithmetic and algebra, when a number or expression is both preceded and followed by a binary operation, a rule is required for which operation should be applied first. From the earliest use of mathematical notation, multiplication took precedence over addition, whichever side of a number it appeared on. Thus 3 + 4 • 5 = 5 • 4 + 3 = 23."
"四則運算(Four Arithmetic Operations),即加減乘除,是數學最基本的運算。如果加減乘除放在同一個算式列中的話,其計算的順序是,先乘除,後加減,括號先算。四則運算的起源很早,幾乎在數學產生時就有了。"
2007-01-09 12:40 am
無所謂甚麼原理, 而是自四則運算運算制訂時訂立的原則.

"In arithmetic and algebra, when a number or expression is both preceded and followed by a binary operation, a rule is required for which operation should be applied first. From the earliest use of mathematical notation, multiplication took precedence over addition, whichever side of a number it appeared on. Thus 3 + 4 • 5 = 5 • 4 + 3 = 23."

"四則運算(Four Arithmetic Operations),即加減乘除,是數學最基本的運算。如果加減乘除放在同一個算式列中的話,其計算的順序是,先乘除,後加減,括號先算。四則運算的起源很早,幾乎在數學產生時就有了。"

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