
2007-01-08 9:22 pm


回答 (3)

2007-01-18 11:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Viggo Mortensen
身高:5' 11" (1.80 m)
配偶:Exene Cervenka (8 July 1987 - 13 March 1998) (divorced) 1 child
Alatriste (2006)
暴力效應 A History of Violence (2005)
沙漠騎兵 Hidalgo (2004)
魔戒三部曲:王者再臨 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
魔戒二部曲:雙城奇謀 The Lord of the Ring: The Two Towers (2002)
魔戒首部曲:魔戒現身 The Lord of the Rings:The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
28天 28 Days (2000)
A Walk on the Moon (1999)
1999驚魂記 PSYCHO (1998)
超完美謀殺案 A Perfect Murder (1998)
魔鬼女大兵 G. I. JANE (1997)
白色鱷魚Albino Alligator (1996)
伴我一世情 The Portrait Of A Lady (1996)
十萬火急 Daylight (1996)
The Prophecy (1995)
The Passion of Darkly Noon (1995)
赤色風暴 Crimson Tide (1995)
Gimlet (1995)
Floundering (1994)
The Crew (1994)
黑幫密令American Yakuza (1993)
角頭風雲 Carlito'S Way (1994)
The Young Americans (1993)
開羅紅寶石Ruby Cairo (1993)
沸點 Boiling Point (1993)
Ewangelia wedlug Harry'ego (1993)
兄弟情仇The Indian Runner (1991)
The Reflecting Skin (1990)
少壯屠龍陣2 Young Guns II (1990)
德州電鋸殺人狂IIILeatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III (1990)
Once in a Blue Moon (1990)
生死對決 Tripwire (1990)
愛情獵殺者 Fresh Horses (1988)
Prison (1988)
Salvation! (1987)
邁阿密風雲"Miami Vice"(1 episode, 1987)
"Search for Tomorrow"(unknown episodes, 1985)
開羅紫玫瑰 The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985)
証人 Witness (1985)
"George Washington" (1984)
維果墨天森以他1985年的大銀幕處女作【證人】中的優異表現一舉成名,這位優雅、英俊且氣質過人的演員,曾經和多位好萊塢一線演員演過對手戲,卻依然擁有自己極為特殊的味道。於1958年10月20日出生於紐約,父親是美國人,母親則是丹麥人,他的童年大半在阿根廷和丹麥度過。80年代遷回紐約,開始上表演課,師學華倫羅伯森,並在舞臺及銀幕上演出過幾次,後來搬到洛杉磯,在那裡,墨天森在海岸劇場(Coast Playhouse)以《Bent》一劇贏得劇評獎。
  除了戲劇演出之外,墨天森同時也是位詩人、攝影師及畫家,另外,他也是一龐克樂團的主唱。在成名前,墨天森就已經出了一本名為「Ten Last Night」的詩集,他最近正在準備他的第三本詩集,同時預計在2001年及2002年於洛杉磯的16號鐵道畫廊以及在雅典當代藝術的戴斯特基金會展示他的攝影作品及繪畫作品。

  自從在彼得威爾執導、哈里遜福特主演的【證人】後,墨天森的演藝生涯一直很穩定的朝多面向發展,演出的影片超過30部,包括在珍康萍的【伴我一世情】、西恩潘編導兼製作的【兄弟情仇】、布萊恩狄帕瑪執導、艾爾帕西諾、西恩潘主演的【角頭風雲】、雷利史考特執導【魔鬼女大兵】、湯尼史考特的【赤色風暴】、演出葛妮絲派特蘿秘密情人的【超完美謀殺案】、雷羅利加的【La Pistola de mi hermano】以及由湯尼高德溫執導、在1999日舞影展中評價相當高的知名電視影集《A Walk on the Moon》等,其中【超完美謀殺案】為他帶來百視達99年的最佳男配角提名,他還為該片畫了一幅大幅的壁畫,是位多才多藝的藝人。 臨危授命加入【魔戒三部曲】演出,飾演的亞拉岡堅毅寡言,成為許多女性觀眾最喜歡的角色。
2007-01-14 5:44 am
如果你想看他的最佳作品,本人極力推薦 a history of violence,絶對是他的代表作。
2007-01-09 1:18 am
Viggo Peter Mortensen, Jr. (born October 20, 1958, aged 48, his zodiac is Libra Scorpio) is a Danish-American theater and movie actor, poet, musician, photographer and painter. He is best known for his role as Aragorn in Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings film trilogy.

Acting career
After several years of experience in live theater, he made his first movie appearance playing an Amish farmer in Peter Weir's Witness. (Mortensen had actually been cast in two prior films — Swing Shift and The Purple Rose of Cairo — but his scenes in both of these films were deleted from the final cuts.) Prior to his casting in The Lord of the Rings, Mortensen appeared in Jane Campion's The Portrait of a Lady, Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III, Sean Penn's The Indian Runner, Brian DePalma's Carlito's Way, Tony Scott's Crimson Tide, Ridley Scott's G.I. Jane, Rob Cohen's Daylight, Tony Goldwyn's A Walk on the Moon, Philip Ridley's two filmsThe Reflecting Skin and The Passion of Darkly Noon, Andrew Davis's A Perfect Murder, Betty Thomas's 28 Days and The Prophecy with Christopher Walken. Before Mortensen took the role of Aragorn, he was probably best known for playing Master Chief John Urgayle in G.I. Jane.[1]

Mortensen's 1987 performance in Bent at the Coast Playhouse, Los Angeles, won him a Dramalogue Critics' Award. Coincidentally, the play, about homosexual concentration camp prisoners, was originally brought to prominence by Sir Ian McKellen, with whom Mortensen later co-starred in The Lord of the Rings.

According to the Special Extended Edition DVD of Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, Mortensen was a last-minute replacement in the role of Aragorn for Stuart Townsend, and wouldn't have taken the part if it hadn't been for his son's enthusiasm for J. R. R. Tolkien's trilogy.

In 2004, he starred as Frank Hopkins in Hidalgo, the story of a Pony Express courier who travels to Arabia to compete with his horse, Hidalgo, in a dangerous race for a massive contest prize. In 2005, Mortensen starred in David Cronenberg's A History of Violence. He was nominated for a Satellite Award for Outstanding Actor in a Motion Picture for this role.

In 2006, he starred as Captain Diego Alatriste in Alatriste, a Spanish film based in the series of novels The Adventures of Captain Alatriste written by the Spanish writer Arturo Perez-Reverte. This is the most expensive Spanish-language film ever made.


收錄日期: 2021-05-03 11:54:42
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