
2007-01-08 8:09 pm
c) Accounting to your Employer's Return in respect of the above-named employee, it is noted that a quarter was provided to him from xxx200x toxx200x. In this connection,please provided the following:
i) forward copies of correspondence or any other relevant doucment setting out the terms of Ms. XXX employmrnt with your company in relation to his entitlement of housing benefit:(我提供唔到, 應該點寫?)

ii) explain your company's housing benefits polyicy to employees and the basis on which the housing benefits to Ms.XXXwas determined;(我想話該僱員係公司董事,而公司的房貼只係提供俾董事級同時在香港居住) iii) forward a copy of the relevant tenancy agreement and rental receipts for reference( 封信應該點寫,我除信附上以上文件)

回答 (1)

2007-01-10 7:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
i) There is not any written document in regard to his entitlement of the housing benefit.

ii) Our company provides housing benefit to employee who is a member of the board and who is reside in Hong Kong.

iii) 如果係租既,就將租金收據同租契 copy 一份俾佢地,我諗佢地都係想知道個租金。如果係公司物業就同佢地講係公司物業。
The property where the above-named employee resides in (如果而家唔係度住請用過去式) is a company's property and therefore there is no rental expense incurred in relation to the using of it.

2007-01-10 11:04:19 補充:
第二句後面應該係who resides in Hong Kong

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