2007-01-08 8:55 am
I taller than you

I lazy than you?

回答 (4)

2007-01-08 5:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To be more accurate:
我高過佢: I am taller than him/her. (comparing between 2 people/items)
我高過你: I am taller than you. (comparing between 2 people/items)
我們三個之中我是最高的: I am the tallest among the three of us. (use " among " for more than 2 people/items, and must add " the " for " -est " forms)

Therefore, 我懶惰過佢:
I am lazier than him/her.
Or 我懶惰過你:
I am lazier than you.

可以用 " I was ... ":
I was lazier than him/her/you.
But it means I was lazy in the past, and I was lazier than him/her/you before, but now I am not lazy anymore. So use " was " to describe the thing was happened in the past before. But if you want to say the current situation, you should use " am ".
2007-01-08 9:03 am
I am lazier than you
因為 lazy 是形容詞, 句子一定要有動詞, 所以加 verb to be 的 am 因為 I 是第一身.
2007-01-08 9:01 am
你漏左個 verb 啦
I AM taller than you are 先 o岩呀
或者有人會淨係話 i am taller than you

高, 原本係 tall, 用 o黎做比較就會變做 taller
同樣道理, 懶惰原本係 lazy, 用 o黎做比較就會變 lazier (y 要轉 i, 好似單數轉眾數咁)

即係 i am lazier than you are (或者有人寫 i am lazier than you)
2007-01-08 8:59 am
係lazlier than

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