
2007-01-08 7:14 am
因為我會3月左右會去法國小住一段時間,但係人生路不熟,可唔可以講多小小法國人既生活習慣俾我參考,等我唔使得罪人都唔知丫~ 唔該~

回答 (2)

2007-01-13 12:22 am
✔ 最佳答案

i have poor english, sorry for that.

do you live with french people? where do you live and do you speak french?

1. If you dont eat with french family, it won’t be a big problem for 禮儀 generally.
To eat, they will ask you all the time (french 禮儀).if you want something, for exe: salad, meat etc, dont said no if you are hungry (say no=chinese 禮儀 ), and you can take 2 times each food ... and drink the wine slowly (always less than the master), say MERCI ( thanks you) always. Wait and see :-)

2. you dont need to pay too much money for the waiter in a coffee shop ( max; 0.20euros) and restaurant ( max: 1.50euros) because service is counted in your bill.

3 ~ this is a real problem for me in France ~ you dont need to smile to much(gentil) in the street ; many french people ( young or old) like ask asiatic (touriste or not) money, or cigarettes etc : take your handphone call someone and no eye see them.

4. dont call french people after 9:30pm.

5. it’s forbidden to smoke in public place since 07-01-2007 in France.

6. In Paris, it’s forbidden to feed birds , pigeons etc

7. for transport, don’t forget to valid your train ticket in orange machine before going into the train, same as bus.
參考: live in France
2007-01-08 11:26 pm
Go to yahoo.

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