2007-01-08 6:47 am
why oxygen,,hydrogen....要以molecules 形式存在?

咁oxygen佢地可唔可以同other sudstance bond 左之後存在 比d example


咁ionic bond 都得la lithium oxide ,,係咪?

回答 (1)

2007-01-08 6:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
共價鍵 (covalent bond)
當兩非金屬原子相互靠近時,由於非金屬具有高游離能(ionization enthalpy),不易失去電子,故欲形成化學鍵必須原子共用電子對形成化學鍵,使雙方原子價軌域(orbital)的電子組態(electronic configuration)符合八隅體規則,此種共用電子對之化學鍵稱為共價鍵。

共價鍵可依共用電子對數目、極性(polarity)加以分類。 共價鍵依其共用電子對數目,可分為單鍵(single bond)、雙鍵(double bond)及參鍵(triple bond)。 單鍵為兩原子間共用一對電子,路以士(G. Lewis)符號以“─”表示,例如H─H、F─F等。 雙鍵為兩原子間共用兩對電子,路以士以“=”表示,例如O=O、O=C=O、H2C=CH2等。 參鍵為兩原子間共用三對電子,路以士以“≡”表示,例如N≡N、C≡O、HC≡CH等。

共價鍵依其極性分類,可分為極性(polar)共價鍵和非極性(non-polar)共價鍵兩種。 如果共價鍵兩端的原子相同(例如H2、O2、N2分子) ,其共用電子對恰位於二原子中間,此種共價鍵稱為非極性共價鍵。 如果共價鍵兩端的原子不相同(例如HCl、H2O、CO等分子),其共用電子不平均分佈於兩原子間,則鍵一端具部份負電性(δ-),另一端具部份正電性(δ+),此種共價鍵稱為極性共價鍵。

oxygen佢地可以同other sudstance bond 左之後存在
for example, CO2 (O=C=O)

2007-01-07 23:03:28 補充:
上面的說法有少少瑕疵, 佢地唔係要LOSE electrons去使佢地變得stable, 而係要share, 因為佢地係唔夠, 唔係太多, lose electrons既係cations...

2007-01-07 23:28:07 補充:
Molecule is the smallest particle of a substance that retains the chemical and physical properties of the substance and is composed of two or more atoms; a group of like or different atoms held together by chemical forces.

2007-01-07 23:28:38 補充:
Oxygen and hydrogen cannot consists of ions so they must be made of neutral particles, which is called molecules. In other words, a molecule is a small group of atoms which can exist by itself under ordinary condition.

2007-01-07 23:28:51 補充:
So, do you understand now? Lithium oxide doesn't exist as molecules, but exists as ions. Ions is the form in which they can exist by itself.

2007-01-12 22:21:45 補充:
oxygen 不能自己一個atom 存在因為唔stable, so tends to form molecules which attain octect electrons.

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