✔ 最佳答案
I work much harder than many other people.
I am much more diligent than others.
仲有, 如果人地問你What do you believe are your special qualifications for this job?
首先, 你有什麼special qualifications先? 例, 勤奮 (diligent), 熱誠(passion), 聰明 (smart)...
你試試這個, 如果你有d經驗:
I believe I am qualified for this job because with my previous experience, I can pick up the work easily and handle it in a more efficient way. Also, I have a great passion in this job that I will work harder than other people and give all my effort to ensure that the job is done, not only better but the best.
I believe I am qualified for this job because I am really interested in this industry and always have a great passion to work here. And I love chanllenges and do not mind to learn any new things. With my strengthen, I am sure I can pick things up in short time and I will work much harder than others.