f.3 英文補習搵邊個好???(10分)

2007-01-08 5:39 am
f.3 英文補習搵邊個好???
我gramma 唔係咁好

回答 (4)

2007-01-08 5:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
我覺得你要先搵清楚為什麼 f.3 要補習英文,到底是能力問題或是時間問題,皆因有些事須要靠自己,如果你有能力自己多看書的話,進行便是永恆的,但只靠別人給你秘方以作暫時性的幫忙,可能好快會忘記,那麼你便成日覺得自己有好多方面 "唔係咁好"。

希望你先從自己努力開始,若然仍有不足的話再找補習導師啦 !

祝努力以赴 !
2007-01-09 5:09 am
活學Jackie Lai唔錯...
除o左grammar外佢好似仲有教paper skills..
參考: 自己補緊
2007-01-08 5:51 am
If your grammar isn't too good, it's not too hard to solve.
First, in short term, read more grammar guides and do more practise(although it's sometimes quite boring,it helps).
Seconf, in mid term, try to write more essay and be corrected by your teacher. Lean from mistakes.
Thirdly, in long term, try to read some books or fictions that you are interested (for example movie-packed fictions), see how pasages are written, eg usually stories are told in past tense.
Enhance your english proefficiency needs your own effort. I'm not saying tutorial cources arent good, but they do not concentrate much on grammar and may not help you improve much.

2007-01-07 21:52:57 補充:
sorry,typing mistake, second

2007-01-08 13:34:11 補充:
learn from mistake
參考: myself
2007-01-08 5:42 am
現代Ken Sir

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