English!!!!!! (10 mark) BE QUICK PLZ

2007-01-08 3:34 am
The differences of 'since' and 'as'?
Which is more suitable for this sentence?

What is 1000km to them _____they can fly an hour?

I dont know the exact meaning of this sentence,please explain!
Thank you !

Sorry , I want you to explain the exact meaning of two words and the meaning of this sentence !Thankyou . Also your answer was wrong! It shouldnt be as ,the answer of my answer book is since .But I still dont know the meaning of this sentence.....

回答 (2)

2007-01-08 6:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
the correct answer is "since"

What is 1000km to them SINCE(because of) they can fly an hour? (but this sentence doesn't make sense... it makes more sence if u said

"What is 1000km to them SInce they can fly 100000km an hour (or something like that)
2007-01-08 3:54 am
since 同 as 係冇分別的...

ans: as

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