邊間大學有大專生上的summer course??

2007-01-08 2:52 am
請問 有邊間大學有for 中六七asso或hd學生報的summer course上??
(有的上完會括免degree學分的那些summer course.)

回答 (1)

2007-01-08 7:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
As I know that Lingnan University has a summer school who are receive F.6,7 and AD student to take their courses, the target student is

Local Students

• Current Lingnan Undergraduate students

• Lingnan Alumni

• Current local Secondary 7, Associate Degree or Undergraduate students

• Hong Kong students in non-local post-secondary/university studies who will return to Hong Kong in summer

if you want to have more information, you can see this website ga~


hopt that I can answer you question la~

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