eng math F.1

2007-01-08 2:08 am
if no cost price and just have lose%and the selling price how can I find the lose?

A is sold at a profit of 20%. if the cost price is decrease by4% and the selling price is still the same ,then the owner will gain how many percent more?

A sells his goods to B at a profit of 25%.B sells it to C at a loss f 25%.if C buy it at75,find the difference of A's cost price and C's cost price.

回答 (2)

2007-01-08 4:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
One important formula is:
Cost * (1 +/- profit/lose %) = selling price

if no cost price and just have lose% and the selling price
how can I find the lose?

Let C be the cost, r be the lose % and S be the selling price.
 C * (1-r) = S
 C = S/(1-r)
The lose is C - S
     = S/(1-r) - S
     = S [1/(1-r) - 1]
     = S [(1-1+r)/(1-r)]
     = rS/(1-r)

A is sold at a profit of 20%.
if the cost price is decrease by4%
and the selling price is still the same ,
then the owner will gain how many percent more?

Let C be the original cost, and S be the selling price.
 C * (1+20%) = S
 1.2C = S --- [1]
Let D be the new cost, and r be the new profit %.
 D = C*(1-4%)
  = 0.96C --- [2]

 D * (1+r) = S --- [3]

Put [1] & [2] into [3]
 0.96C * (1+r) = 1.2C
  0.96 + 0.96r = 1.2
       r = 0.25 = 25%

A sells his goods to B at a profit of 25%.
B sells it to C at a loss f 25%.
if C buy it at75,find the difference of A's cost price and C's cost price.

Let X be the cost of the goods.

As A sold the goods to B at a profit of 25%,
the price that A sold his goods to B = X (1+25%) = 1.25X

Then B sold it to C at a loss of 25%,
the price that B sold his goods to C = 1.25X (1-25%) = 0.9375X

Since C but it at 75, therefore 0.9375X = 75
                 X = 80

The difference of A's cost price and C's cost price = 80 - 75 = $5

2007-01-11 4:23 am
Let X be the A's cost price
Then (X*1.25)*0.75=75
......... X*1.25=100
......... X=80

The difference of A's cost price and C's cost price is $5

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