About Emission Spectrum of hydrogen atom

2007-01-08 1:51 am
In such series of the spectrum. Why those spectral lines decrease distance with each others as the frequency increase( wavelength decrease) and they finally converged to form a continuum?

回答 (3)

2007-01-08 8:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
The spectral lines are produced due to the photon emitted when excited electron in hydrogen atom transits from a higher energy level to a lower energy level. The frequency (or wavelength) is directly proportional to the energy difference between two energy level that the electron transiting ( E difference = hf ) .

On the other hand, the energy difference can be described by another equation.

E difference = k [1/(n1)^2 - 1/(n2)^2]

In a serious of spectral line, n1 in the above equation is fixed. When n2 increases, The change in energy difference is decreased. Therefore, the difference between frequency (or wavelength) of the photon decreases and finally reach a continuum.
參考: notes
2007-01-08 5:30 am
hydrogen atom的energy level 係quantized ga
即係話每一個energy level已經 fix死左

而係principal quantum no.一路上升
佢同之前果個energy level的difference就會愈黎愈細

你知道spectrum係energy level的transition黎ga la~
即係話 如果E2同E1的DIFFERENCE係大過E3同E2的DIFF.
E5-E4 < E4-E3 < E3-E2...
then 類似呢d line就會form到出黎:


第1條線係E5-->E1 第2條係E4-->E1
2007-01-08 2:20 am
其實每條線向energy角度黎講係代表energy level
當energy level愈高,佢地每個相差就energy difference就愈低
eg. 第2層同第1層之間的energy difference係大過第3層同第2層咁如此類推
參考: 請指教-口-

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