
2007-01-07 10:13 pm

simple present,,the present continuous,,the present perfect,,the present continuous,,
simple past,,past perfect,,present perfect continuous..future perfect continuous


我想問埋,,future perfect,,future continuous

回答 (6)

2007-01-07 10:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
simple present 現在式 eg be ,is am are
present continuous 現在進行式 eg is doing
present perfect 現在完成式 eg has finished
simple past 過去式 eg was ,were
past perfect 過去完成式 eg had broken
present perfect continuous 現在完成進行式 eg has been reading
future perfect continuous 將來完成進行式 eg will have been waiting

不知正確與否 ,但其他答案應該都大同小異 ,

2007-01-07 20:36:15 補充:
future perfect 將來完成式 eg will have finishedfuture continuous 將來進行式 eg will be waiting參考資料 : 牛津字典
參考: 自己
2007-01-08 2:34 am
simple present:現在式 he\she\it +s\es
the present continuous現在進行式 +ing

the present perfect:現在完成式:
simple past:過去式
past perfect:過去完成式
參考: me
2007-01-08 12:07 am
簡單的禮物, 當前連續, 當前完善, 當前連續, 簡單的過去, 過去完成, 當前完善的
連續的未來 , 完善連續
參考: me
2007-01-07 10:36 pm
1.简单的礼物, 当前连续, 当前完善, 当前连续, 简单的过去, 过去完成, 当前完善的continuous..future 完善连续

2.簡單的禮物, 當前連續, 當前完善, 當前連續, 簡單的過去, 過去完成, 當前完善的continuous..future 完善連續
2007-01-07 10:26 pm
simple present=簡單現在式
present continuous=現在進行式
present perfect=現在完成式
simple past=簡單過去式
past perfect=過去完成式
future perfect=將來完成式
2007-01-07 10:22 pm
simple present 簡單現在式 I am a boy
present continuous 現在進行式 I'm playing
present perfect 現在完成式 I have finished my work already

simple past 簡單過去式 He finished the worked yesterday
past perfect 過去完成式 He had beed finished the work when I called him
present perfect continuous 現在完成進行式 He has been worked in this shop for 5 years
future perfect continuous 將來完成進行式 He will been worked in this shop for 5 years
參考: myself

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