✔ 最佳答案
係咪睇多d marking...睇下咩pt有分... Yes.
到答果時再寫番果d pt出泥係最有效呢?? When you are doing the past papers what you should do are:
(1)what down in a book簿 and then give the ans in paragraph form.
(2)After you have answered the questions, check them and find out what you don't know.
(3)Then in the last paper of your book, write down the true ans. given from the marking scheme. And make sure you know why this question gets such answers. Finally read the model ans from time to time.
I suggest a good book to you.
"Tackling problem in cert. biology" written by YK. To 恐龍書作者.This paper is the same as questions set in HKCEE biology. All of the answers are written in marking scheme form. Buying this book makes you understand how marks are awarded.
Finally,if you have final markings, pay more attention to words written of them. You can understand how candidates lose their mark. You must avoid yourself making the same mistakes again during the examination.
Good luck to you