Recruiters: how much you will pay this staff

2007-01-07 9:51 pm
My friend has a cake shop. It has a part time sales girl at wage $22/hours.

The girl is not a good salesman. But the other aspects in work are good to excellent. So my friend wants to promote her to become a permanant clerk in the office.

I know the market price for a junior clerk is around $7-8k. I don't think that girl qualified for that level of pay. What will you give?

回答 (3)

2007-01-07 10:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think you can offer her a 3-month-probation at a rate of $5,500 first. And reviewed her performance after the probation, if her performance is satisfied, you can offer her $6,000 or higher monthly. Of course, it is first bring to an agreement of both parties will be better.
2007-01-08 7:12 am
依家個時勢係好左, $6,000 都係少, 不過如果佢唔做開呢行, $6,000 都 reasonable
可以好似以上幾位所講, $5,500 in probation period, 過左 probation 就加薪
咁當然如果佢做一年後係表現好, 一定要加薪, 如果唔係佢出到去好易搵工, 好快會走.
2007-01-08 1:41 am
據我所知, 現時一般初級文員起身點約 $6k, 而且多數都要有中五程度. 由於佢冇文職工作經驗及冇中五程度, 所以起身點可稍調低小小, 本人覺得可考慮 $5.5-5.7k, 過試用期後可考慮加到 $6-6.2k. 因為我覺得如你喜歡佢的工作能力, 而且做生不如做熟, 比多小小都係值得的.

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