請問 cantique 解作什麼?

2007-01-07 9:25 pm
請問 cantique 解作什麼? 聽說是個法文,請熱心者教教小弟吧!

回答 (2)

2007-01-08 8:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
the word cantique (from latin canticum) means canticle; Christian hymn or chant (a song or chant, especially a hymn containing words derived from the Bible, used in the Christian liturgy)

for example: Le Cantique des cantiques (The Song of Songs), said also Cantique de Salomon (The Song of Solomon).
2007-01-08 4:50 pm
Exactly,it means the " canticle ".

That was from < the old testament > ,and was a chapter of song of solomon.

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