run係咪verb? 係run前面加個to「To run」又係咩意思?

2007-01-07 8:33 pm

回答 (4)

2007-01-07 8:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"run" is a verb. "run" alone is a bare infinitive; "to run" means the same, and it's a to-infinitive.

there's no difference between the senses of "run" and "to run", but they are used in slightly different ways:

run (verb) 跑步

a. it's so tiring TO RUN under the hot sun. V.S.
b. he is RUNNING under the hot sun.

run (verb) 經營

2. it's complex TO RUN a business. V.S.
3. he RUNS the family business for his father.

2007-01-07 12:53:16 補充:
as you can see "run" alone can serve as a verb, but "to run" cannot; "to run" has to use with ANOTHER VERB, such as "is" in (a) and (2) in my examples.
2007-06-01 4:56 am
2007-01-07 9:14 pm
run 係verb

to run 係 infinitive

run 可以係 noun

go to
to see the different uses of RUN
2007-01-07 8:49 pm

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