is there any wrong on the grammer

2007-01-07 7:26 pm
There is a book shop and a supermarket on the 1st floor.,

回答 (3)

2007-01-07 7:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案

如果 book shop 和 supermarket 是同一東西 (就是說那個鋪頭是同時一間書店加超市), 那文法上是正確的。

如果是兩間分開不同的鋪頭, 那你該把句子的 is 轉成 are 變成 There are a book shop and a supermarket on the 1st floor.

還有通常我們都叫書店做 bookstore, 比較普遍。

( 當然你不能在句子後同時放兩個標點符號。 )

2007-01-07 11:41:36 補充:
其實情況有些像咖哩牛肉飯, 說這是一碟咖哩牛肉飯, 我們可以說:- This is a curry and beef rice. (這是一碟咖哩牛肉飯 : 一碟過)- These are curry and beef rice. (這是一碟咖哩同時那是一碟牛肉飯 : 分開上)ok?
參考: 自己
2007-01-07 7:39 pm
There are a book shop and a supermarket on the first floor.

2名詞 用are
2007-01-07 7:29 pm
I can't see anything wrong
參考: me

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