
2007-01-07 7:11 pm
他已經決定了一切, 我們還有得選擇嗎?

如果我愛的人, 他不給我, 他就有辦法不給我, 他就會把我們2個分開..

那人還有自由意志去選擇嗎, 不就是一切已經決定了嗎?
以前我問過〔in yahoo knowledge〕 人係咪有自由意志去選擇自己愛的人, 同他一生一世? 他們說是..

但我覺得, 最重要是那個人我真的愛他, 如果我真的愛他, 我就什麼都不介意, 我覺得這就對我是最好

這個問題, 我一直都想知, 但沒有得到一個我真正清楚的答案

不是ar= = 其實我同他都是christian... 我的意思是: 無論他是否christian, 不是主選擇給我們的那個, 就不能和他一生一世, 那人怎能說有自由意志去選擇自的方向 如果我愛的人, 他不給我, 他就有辦法不給我, 他就會把我們2個分開.. (我是說主, 不是說教會)


但祂不會迫你, 選擇權仍在你手。 really??

回答 (7)

2007-01-08 3:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think u are making the situation more complicated than it should be.

1. u said, 但我覺得, 最重要是那個人我真的愛他, 如果我真的愛他, 我就什麼都不介意, 我覺得這就對我是最好...
Do u find what u said problematic? As the Bible said, not everything is beneficial for u to do. What do u mean by 什麼都不介意? U don't even mind if the person is married? or if s/he doesn't love u? or if the person is the same gender as u are?
Sorry if I am being too harsh, but what u said is very immature. I think u 真的愛他 is really important but I think there are other issues that are just AS important. True love is not just about YOU and what YOU want/ love. I guess u should be familiar with 1 Corinthians 13, right?

RE: 我覺得這就對我是最好...
Yes this is what YOU think. God knows better or you know better?
I did not believe that playing violin and doing those stupid violin exams would do me any good until I got my certificates and now even though I am not a famous violinist, I am able to make extra money by teaching violin as a side job. I am grateful that my mom did not let me give up violin and kept on giving me opportunities and support (especially financially because private music lesson is not cheap and my parents did spend a lot of money on me while they did not know if I am capable of getting anything out of it) even though I am not that talented. I am glad that I listened to my mom.
I do not believe that God is any less than my mom. Sometimes we simply have to trust the authority---God----our Father who loves us very very much.

God has put so many ppl around u and He has a plan for u. It's ur 自由意志去選擇 what u are going to do with His plan and how do u handle the relationship between urself and the ppl around u.
I still believe that 要 先 求 他 的 國 、 和 他 的 義 , and other things He will add it onto you. (Matthew 6:33) ---> Jesus DID say this, it's in the Bible.

2. RE: 如果我愛的人, 他不給我, 他就有辦法不給我, 他就會把我們2個分開..
Sometimes we simply can't blame everything to God. As I said above, yes u truly love the person, so what? Does that mean u guys are meant to be together? If your choice was not rigth to start with, God does not even need to 分開 u 2, the reality would.
Also, I believe that God allows us to make mistakes (look at the Jewish ppl and even just King David) so I do NOT think that would be the case as 不是主選擇給我們的那個, 就不能和他一生一世 or if u marry the one who is not chosen by God, ur relationship or marriage will be cursed. I think u picture God too controling.
My understanding is that in God's plan, God has given us an idea of what our spouse should be like (as the Bible teaches us, husbands should love their wife as Christ loves the church and so u would want a husband who loves u like Christ loves the church), and u also have personal preferences (like how tall, how fat, what kind of personalities such as a serious person, a funny person etc)
God has put many many choices around u (obvious u wouldn't know every single person on the planet so I guess "the chosen one" for u can't be a person u won't be able to meet) so I think that so-called 主給我們一個最好的另一半 may not be simply ONE individual, Mr. XXX, but rather a person who has all the qualities that are the best for u. You may not like the fact that ur "chosen other" doesn't like what u like (such as u love sushi but he hates it), but if s/he is meant to be the one who is going to spend the rest of ur life with u, then u will find each other COMPATIBLE.

Last but not least,
YES, for real, absolutely.

If God does, Adam and Eve would not have a chance to eat the fruit, and there won't be any problem. God allows us to seek and experience (just like what u are doing) and at the end you are the one who lives out ur own life.

Pray for wisdom in handling situations and have faith in God that He will provide the best (as in what He knows, not what you think).
2007-01-09 3:48 am

參考: 自己...
2007-01-08 1:57 am
我明白你的題問 ,

你的意思是說 , 一切事 , 神已有安排 ,
不論好壞 , 你都必須承受 , 冇得 say no !
如同你愛的不能愛 , 你不愛的 , 仍要你愛 ,
因此 , 你覺得好似無了 " 自由意志 " ,

若這解讀 , 你所信的 , 就是 " 絕對宿命論 " 的神 ,
你所謂的 " 自由意志 " , 其實亦是神早已安排了 ,
故根本就無 " 自由意志 " 的存在 ,


----- 自由意志 -----

假若 , 在你生命中 , 遇上了 A , B 兩個選擇 ,
既然人能選擇 , 我們就稱它為 " 自由意志 " ,
然而 , 你要知道 ,你行的路 , 永遠只得一條 ,
不是 A , 便是 B ,

假若你能分身 , 能行 A , B 二道 ,
當知道兩條路最終帶來的結果後 ,
才再去選擇要走 A 或 B ,
這才叫做真正的 " 選擇 " ,

當你完全不能透徹知道前路會發生甚麽事 ,
那何來有給你 " 選擇 " ?
你仍然是 " 盲人摸路 " ,

故此 ,
-----若說我們有自由意志 ,
-----這個自由意志是無選擇性的 ,
-----若說我們無自由意志 ,
-----然而 , 我們生活中又遇到諸多選擇 ,
你可以思考這種矛盾關係 , 嘗試自己找答案 ,


----- 絕對宿命論 -----

一切事物早已被安排注定的 ,
甚至連人的 " 自由意志 " 亦被安排的 ,
即人的思想亦受宿命所操縱 ,
此等人是無自力改變命運 , 任由擺佈 ,

----- 相對宿命論 -----

一切事物並非早已安排注定 ,
人有 " 意由意志 " 去改動的 ,
然而 , 人選擇了後 ,
必然跟隨一個結果的 ,
其結果是相對於你的選擇而產生的 ,
譬如 , 你選擇了 A , 就要承受 A 的結果 ,
若選擇 B , 就承受 B 的結果 ,
是相對性的 , 故亦視為因果論 ,

----- 無宿命論 -----

即無因果論 ,
事物若無因果 , 就再無規律 ,
比如人犯罪 , 就得坐監 , 這就是因果 ,
若無因果 , 世界就大混亂 ,
故不用多說 ,


神的安排 ,
決不會是 " 絕對宿命論 " 的 ,
故你所行的路 , 若好若壞 ,
都不應歸咎於神 ,
你要因神 , 使你於生活中 , 不論好壞 , 找到平安 ,
並不是叫神給你滿足慾望 ,

好好運用你的 " 自由意志 " ,
它是於你的 , 不屬於外來者 ,
2007-01-08 1:13 am
1) 主說過?給我們最好的另一半?
2) 什么祂給你或不給你?
3) 你以前問過人,他們給你答案:主會給你最 suitable的另一半?他們是誰,竟可代主給你答案?唉!知識+ 上的網民的水準很低 (包括答你問題的那些基督徒,me too),切勿把這些垃圾意見當作真理。
4) 男女姻,是雙方的吸引及意願,離婚也是因人的自私、自我,不要什么也賴主。你愛的,祂不給,還要分開你們?是否你愛他,但他卻不愛你呀?或其他原因?不要再賴主。
5) 這類問題是沒有答案的,各人只根據自己的意見而已,但意見只是一種看法,不是真正的答案。
6) 你可以為這事求,但最終是對方是否也愛你。

2007-01-08 09:47:41 補充:
2007-01-07 11:45 pm

假如你好愛另一半,但基於你信神,我深信你一定為他祈禱,希望他接受主的福音,信主,同時,神必定聽到你的禱告,一定會應許你!請 你一定要信神的奇妙。



希望能夠幫到你尋找到一個你真正清楚的答案 ^^
2007-01-07 9:28 pm

2007-01-07 15:36:46 補充:
2007-01-07 8:16 pm


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