Introducing your family

2007-01-07 6:03 pm
請大家幫手作篇文 是用作口試的! 題目是 family。希望大家唔好就係比意見!thx!!

回答 (1)

2007-01-08 9:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are 4 members in my family, mom, dad and my older brother who is 4 years older than me. My dad works as a sales manager in a watch trading company, so he always needs to travel between China factory and HK office, usually 3 times a week. Sometimes he even needs to be on business trip to US for having meeting with buyers. Even I hardly see him often because of his work, we are pretty close to each other. He will always bring me back little gift such as necklace or of course watch after his business trip.

My mom is a housewife who is an excellent cook in the family. My aunts always calls her for tips of cooking certain food especially honey chicken which is also my favorite. Unfortunately I am not really into cooking, so I just simply enjoy the food my mom prepared but not learning from her.

My brother is now studing in university in Sydney Australia, majoring accountant. As he is 4 years older than me, he is like a protector of me since I was kid. He will look after my study or give me advices in different issues. Of course, we argued sometimes for some small silly subject but we do care each other a lot. This xmas when he came back from Australia for holiday, he brought me a really cute kaola stuff animal as a gift. Really sweet of him. I hope one day I can visit him in Sydney too, so he can bring me around to sightseeing the city.


Hope it can help lah!!

2007-01-15 10:36:08 補充:
作文ma...作 law :P

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