有關學士後文憑.... 可唔可以搵人幫下我.........

2007-01-07 9:43 am
可唔可以好似transfer credits咁樣報番masters架?

仲有... 呢度有無人係過來人... 拎完張degree之後讀學士後文憑架?
如果有既.. 可唔可以話比我知... 到底apply既時候難唔難架...
我cgpa得2.81... 係咪有學士後文憑既機會都好微?
我聽人講可以讀完個dip之後再報番讀masters part time..
咁就會skip佐第一年唔駛讀.. 即係讀埋最後一年part time就可以完成個masters..
係咪真架? 如果係既.. 到底係咪間間u都可以咁做?

請任何有相關既經驗/知識既... 都通通答下我丫唔該..........
我真係好須要好須要有人幫下我......... 唔該.........

回答 (3)

2007-01-07 8:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
HK PolyU has many. For example:

Master of/Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Accounting
Sept 2007 Entry

The first year of the programme curriculum leading to the award of Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Accounting (PAP) enables students to gain:

A solid foundation and knowledge of the developments and applications in external financial reporting, tax planning and auditing;
An in-depth knowledge of financial management for making financial decisions in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland business and financial environment;
Concepts of modern accounting information systems and the related application of accounting and financial models;
Theory and practice of formulating management policy and strategy in business organisations;
Education on the current issues and developments in the business environments of Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland; and
Sensitivity to ethical issues facing professional accountants and to the importance of discharging their duties in an independent, objective and ethical manner.
The second year of the programme curriculum leading to the award of Master of Professional Accounting (PAM) enables students to gain:

2007-01-09 12:35:31 補充:
HK PolyU has many, you can go to PolyU website to see

2007-01-09 12:36:55 補充:
Applied Mathematics for Science and TechnologyBuilding Services EngineeringChinese Language and LiteratureCivil Engineering Construction and Real EstateE-CommerceEnglish Language StudiesGlobal Supply Chain ManagementHotel and Tourism Management
2007-01-16 7:17 am
U may try the university of Newcastle online master programmes which study in HK. Its master courses are divided into levels.
2007-01-07 9:48 am
仲有... 呢度有無人係過來人... 拎完張degree之後讀學士後文憑架?
如果有既.. 可唔可以話比我知... 到底apply既時候難唔難架...
我cgpa得2.81... 係咪有學士後文憑既機會都好微?
我聽人講可以讀完個dip之後再報番讀masters part time..
咁就會skip佐第一年唔駛讀.. 即係讀埋最後一年part time就可以完成個masters..
係咪真架? 如果係既.. 到底係咪間間u都可以咁做?

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