do you like england more than canada?

2007-01-06 8:50 pm

回答 (22)

2007-01-06 8:53 pm
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England is great and i love it but canada is better for skiing!
2007-01-06 8:57 pm
duh of course we love England you are in the English session of yahoo web site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-01-06 8:52 pm
參考: I'm English.
2007-01-07 5:49 am
oui, j'aime football et rugby,
2007-01-06 11:47 pm
yes i like the cultural vibrancy of england
2007-01-06 11:26 pm
I've never been to Canada, but if Canada resembles the US in any way, then my answer is England.
參考: Lived in both the UK and US. Couldn't stand the US at all. The UK is nice apart from overpriced, inauthentic Chinese food and total lack of Korean restaurants. Love UK weather.
2007-01-06 11:25 pm
no I'm English but I like Canada better.
2007-01-06 10:11 pm
Canada is too cool , I mean too cool, England is warm especially now that we have Global warming so it's more cool than Canada.
2007-01-06 10:07 pm
Never been to Canada so i cant really say , England is ok some nice places to visit ....
2007-01-06 9:58 pm
I think this requires some more research...any Canadians out there who wanna do a house swap for a week or three! One of my ambitions is to camp in Canada but I haven't quite made it there yet.
2007-01-06 9:13 pm
Canada is amazing.
2007-01-06 9:03 pm
Well having lived in Canada for most of my life and visited England often I love them both! I grew up in Canada with a major British background and I have many relatives living in both countries it's a tie. Every country has its good and bad points but these two are tops in my books.

Hey throw the USA on the pile since I just moved to Chicago 5 months ago - the USA has its good and BAD points.

Peace around the world boys & girls!
2007-01-06 8:58 pm
I Love CANADA !! Hope to go to England and say the same thing. Never been to England.
2007-01-06 8:58 pm
As an American, I'd have to say yes. I've been to England three times and stayed for a month once. Canada's OK, but I prefer England.
2007-01-06 8:57 pm
2007-01-06 8:56 pm
Do, England, and Canada all start with a capital letter, and the content of your question is a bit shallow. Try to ask more interesting questions, it will get you more answers. No offence.
2007-01-06 8:56 pm
According to South Park they swear a lot in Canada!!
2007-01-06 8:54 pm
參考: im english
2007-01-06 8:54 pm
i live in England but i'm moving to Canada
to me it feels the same only... more pleasant (the only way i could think of putting it)
2007-01-06 8:52 pm
Don't know never been to Canada, but would love to one day. I let you know after I get back.
2007-01-06 8:52 pm
I love england
2007-01-06 8:58 pm
i'v never been to england so i guess i'd have to say canada

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