我想請問,如果我拎住既degree係外國既,我想讀QP前,駛唔駛再讀conversion program架呢.

2007-01-07 7:47 am
我想請問,如果我拎住既degree係外國既,我想讀QP前,駛唔駛再讀conversion program架呢(我讀既係 bachelor of commerce-major in accounting.因為我知我要讀返香港既law同taxation........我想問,Hong kong Law and Taxation可唔可以自修架. 要咩情況下先要讀conversion program呢....同埋conversion program咩地方會提供呢, 唔該晒!!希望有人答到我啦

回答 (1)

2007-01-11 7:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
駛唔駛再讀conversion program: Yes, you have to do the conversion program for any non-hk accounting degree holder. You have to do the HK Tax, Company Law and Assurance papers for the conversion program.

conversion program咩地方會提供呢: Only in HKICPA. After you join the HKICPA and before to do the QP. Unless you complete the conversion program exam, otherwise you cannot do the QP.

For CPAA member, can do the local path program and just do the HK Tax and Company Law for the conversion program and no more QP.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 21:19:57
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