去 check in 時想叫空姐安排坐位, 應該點講呀

2007-01-07 7:46 am
window seat

回答 (4)

2007-01-07 9:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
首先要指出你那個標題已有點問題, 當你在機塲航空公司柜枱 check in 時, 那些人員不是空姐, 應該叫做地勤人員(可以是男也可以是女的).

若你想要他/她們給你安排你要坐的位, 你可以如下的去問:

一開始時便應說 Excuse me, 然後加上

1. can I have the window seat?
2. can I have the aisle seat? (aisle 解釋為走廊/通道)
3. can I have the seat on the first row facing the large screen on the wall?(這行之前的不是電視機, 只是一個大營幕)

seat 不用加 s 因為就算我們和朋友或家人一起去旅行都不會分開坐而走廊位及window seat 都不會在同一行多於一個. 至於第3那個如你多於一人你便可以加 s 了, 即是: Excuse me, can we have the seats on the first row ................ 雖然你可以有多種問法, 但是應該用簡單直接的問便好了, 因人太多 check in 及好讓對方易於明白你想要什麼.

2007-01-07 13:29:17 補充:
不好意思, window seat 在同一行應是會多於一個, 不過一個在機身的左側, 另一個是在右手面, 如果你願意分開那麼遠或者分開前後坐也可以用 seats 的, 走廊位也是像window seat 一樣的情況.

2007-01-07 13:39:24 補充:
如在同一走廊通道上, 兩個坐位的距離會比 window seats 近很多, 因只有一條走廊之的距離. 若已去到機場柜位check in, 都已是要位子(seat)而不是預訂(reserve) 位子(seat)的問題了, 要就是 have, 問人(可不可以)要就是 Can I have..............
2007-01-07 8:02 am
Would you please assign a seat that next to the corridor on the window side and the row just under the tv?
2007-01-07 8:00 am
(1) window seats
(2) aisle seats
(3) the front row seats facing the tv

2007-01-07 00:03:44 補充:
a few ways to request for your seating:(1) please put me in a window seat.(2) please seat me next to the windows.etc.

2007-01-07 00:06:31 補充:
a few ways to request for your seating:(1) please put me in [a window seat/an aisle seat/in a seat in the front row].(2) please seat me [next to the windows/at the aisles/in the front row facing the tv].you can have some other combinations too.
2007-01-07 7:51 am
Please reserve a window seat for me!

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