
2007-01-07 7:13 am

回答 (4)

2007-01-07 8:43 am
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here are some factors that can speed up the rusting process

1. presence of ionic substances
the rusting process speeds up when water containing ionic substances such as sodium chloride is present. hence a seaside environment speeds up the rusting process of iron since the thin layer on the iron surface contains dissolved sodum chloride.

2. presence of acidic pollutants
an industrial environment also speeds up the rusting process of iron. This is due to the emission of acidic gases from factories, these gases form acids with moisture in air, thus speeding up the rusting process.

3. higher temperture
at a higher temperature, reaction becomes faster. the rusting process also becomes faster. this is why the exhaust pipes of cars rust quickly.

4. scratching or bending the surface
rusting occurs more quickly where the iron surface is scratched or bent.

5. attachment to a less reactive metal
the rusting process speeds up if the iron is in contact with a less reactive metal, such as tin and copper. a food can is usually made of mild steel (an iron alloy) coated with a thin layer of tin. when the tin coating of a tin can is damaged, the steel rusts more quickly than then it is alone.
參考: me and chem textbook
2007-01-07 7:43 am
2007-01-07 7:40 am
不過AL就係特殊例子,because it has a thin oxide layer that protect metals for reaction
所以與水反應都未必可以加快距生鏽ga bor
2007-01-07 7:22 am
參考: Me

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